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Bid Solicitation: BD-24-1037-1CEN0-C0000-95140
Header Information
Bid Number:
Request for Information Family Child Care (FCC) Capital Projects
Bid Opening Date:
12/15/2023 03:00:00 PM
Janee Carroll
Department of Early Education and Care
1CEN0 - EEC Central
C0000 - Central Office
Fiscal Year:
Type Code:
NS - Non-Statewide Solicitation
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
11/09/2023 10:37:01 AM
Info Contact:
Jose Mendez
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
Informational Sessions. There will be an informational session(s) associated with this RFI on 11/29/23 at 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Please refer to the attachment for the links to the sessions.
Bulletin Desc:
The purpose of this RFI is to elicit the advice and best analysis of knowledgeable persons in the vendor community to enable the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to craft a potential future solicitation for its Family Child Care Investment Program. Responses to this RFI should include information that will be useful to EEC in subsequently drafting a more detailed procurement solicitation(s) related to the Family Child Care Investment Program. Please see attached for more information.
Ship-to Address:
Janee Carroll
50 Milk Street, 14th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: (617)988-6600
Bill-to Address:
Sandra Fortier-Hollow
50 Milk Street, 14th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: (617)988-6600
Print Format:
File Attachments:
Chinese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
Haitian Creole - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
Korean - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
Portuguese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
Spanish - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
English - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx
RFI FCC Capital Projects AMENDED 11.15.2023.docx
Submission Form 11.15.2023.docx
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
SBPP (Small Business Purchasing Program) Eligible?:
See SBPP requirements and exceptions at :
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
11/14/2023 11:14:48 AM
Please see the attachments tab for more information. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Request for Information FCC Capital Projects.docx': File 'Request for Information FCC Capital Projects.docx' deleted . 2. File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects 11.14.23.docx': File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects 11.14.23.docx' added .
11/15/2023 11:17:03 AM
The Scope of Work has been amended. Please ensure you review the new Scope of Work with the November 15, 2023 date. Also, attaching a Submission form, documents can be found under the Attachments tab. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects AMENDED 11.15.2023.docx': File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects AMENDED 11.15.2023.docx' added . 2. File 'Submission Form 11.15.2023.docx': File 'Submission Form 11.15.2023.docx' added . 3. File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects 11.14.23.docx': Order changed from "0" to "3". 4. File 'RFI FCC Capital Projects 11.14.23.docx': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "Yes" to "No".
11/15/2023 01:17:50 PM
Updated General Tab to reflect 11/29/23 at 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM as the Information Session dates. Header 1. Pre-Bid Conference changed from "Informational Sessions. There will be an informational session(s) associated with this RFI on 11/16/23 at 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Please refer to the attachment for the links to the sessions." to "Informational Sessions. There will be an informational session(s) associated with this RFI on 11/29/23 at 11:00 AM and 6:30 PM. Please refer to the attachment for the links to the sessions.".
01/03/2024 11:03:07 AM
Added Q and A documents in Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Chinese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'Chinese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added . 2. File 'Haitian Creole - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'Haitian Creole - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added . 3. File 'Korean - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'Korean - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added . 4. File 'Portuguese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'Portuguese - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added . 5. File 'Spanish - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'Spanish - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added . 6. File 'English - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx': File 'English - FY2024 Family Child Care Request for Information Q and A.docx' added .
Item Information
Item # 1: ( 00-00 - 00 )
The purpose of this RFI is to elicit the advice and best analysis of knowledgeable persons in the vendor community to enable the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) to craft a potential future solicitation for its Family Child Care Investment Program. Responses to this RFI should include information that will be useful to EEC in subsequently drafting a more detailed procurement solicitation(s) related to the Family Child Care Investment Program. Please see attached for more information.
U N S P S C Code:
Grant Opportunity
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Quote #
Date Last Modified