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Bid Solicitation: BD-23-1039-EHS01-EHS01-77253
Header Information
Bid Number:
23EHSLCBHLTSSCPRFR: RFR for Qualified Vendors to Serve as MassHealth Community Partners
Bid Opening Date:
09/26/2022 05:00:00 PM
Lucy Colon (EOHHS)
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Fiscal Year:
Type Code:
NS - Non-Statewide Solicitation
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
07/07/2022 12:03:07 PM
Info Contact:
Amy Butcher,
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
"EOHHS has posted the RFR and related attachments. A Bidders' Conference (virtual) is scheduled for August 3, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm. See Section 10 of the RFR for details."
Bulletin Desc:
EOHHS intends to post a Request for Responses (RFR) in order to select a pool of qualified vendors that will be eligible to contract with MassHealth Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to serve as Behavioral Health Community Partners (BH CPs); and a separate pool of qualified vendors to serve as Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners (LTSS CPs).
Ship-to Address:
Amy Butcher
Procurement Coordinator
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617)573-1709
Bill-to Address:
Arlinda Cardoso
Accounts Payable Unit
600 Washington Street, 7th Fl.
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: (617)210-5073
FAX: (617)210-5468
Print Format:
File Attachments:
Community Partners Advance Notice of Upcoming Procurement
RFR for Qualified vendors for the Behavioral Health & Long-Term Services & Supports Community Partners Program
Attachment A: Behavioral Health Community Partner Model Contract
Attachment B: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partner Model Contract
Attachment A Appendices A-G
Attachment B Appendices A-G
Attachment C: Service Area Reference Gide ( For both types of Community Partners)
Attachment D: Budget Report Template (For both types of Community Partners)
Attachment E: Budget Narrative (For both types of Community Partners)Report Template
Attachment F: BH CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications
Attachment G: LTSS CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications
Attachment H: Service Area Coverage Form (For both types of Community Partners)
Attachment I: Behavioral Health Community Partners Bidder Experience Tables
Attachment J: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners Bidders Experience Table
Attachment K: Notice of Intent to Bid Template (For both types of Community Partners)
Required Forms
CP Procurement Bidder's Conference August 3, 2022
Questions and Answers Regarding the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program
Amendment 1 to the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program
Appendix D LTTS CP Community Partner Payment Rates
Attachment D - Budget Report Template
Attachment L - Intersection Between Community Based Health Centers (CBHCs) and Behavioral Health Community Partners (BH CPs)
Attachment M - CP Pricing Supplement
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
SBPP (Small Business Purchasing Program) Eligible?:
See SBPP requirements and exceptions at :
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
07/18/2022 05:18:44 PM
Attached are the documents related to the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the Behavioral Health and Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners Program. Header 1. Bid Opening Date changed from "09/30/2022 05:00:00 PM" to "09/16/2022 12:00:00 PM". 2. Pre-Bid Conference changed from "THIS IS AN ADVANCE NOTIFICATION OF AN UPCOMING PROCUREMENT. No RFR documents are available at this time but will be added to this page. Please read the attached notice for further details." to ""EOHHS has posted the RFR and related attachments. A Bidders' Conference (virtual) is scheduled for August 3, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm. See Section 10 of the RFR for details."". Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'RFR for Qualified vendors for the Behavioral Health & Long-Term Services & Supports Community Partners Program': File 'RFR for Qualified vendors for the Behavioral Health & Long-Term Services & Supports Community Partners Program' added . 2. File 'Attachment A: Behavioral Health Community Partner Model Contract': File 'Attachment A: Behavioral Health Community Partner Model Contract' added . 3. File 'Attachment B: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partner Model Contract': File 'Attachment B: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partner Model Contract' added . 4. File 'Attachment A Appendices A-G': File 'Attachment A Appendices A-G' added . 5. File 'Attachment B Appendices A-G': File 'Attachment B Appendices A-G' added . 6. File 'Attachment C: Service Area Reference Gide ( For both types of Community Partners)': File 'Attachment C: Service Area Reference Gide ( For both types of Community Partners)' added . 7. File 'Attachment D: Budget Report Template (For both types of Community Partners)': File 'Attachment D: Budget Report Template (For both types of Community Partners)' added . 8. File 'Attachment E: Budget Narrative (For both types of Community Partners)Report Template': File 'Attachment E: Budget Narrative (For both types of Community Partners)Report Template' added . 9. File 'Attachment F: BH CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications': File 'Attachment F: BH CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications' added . 10. File 'Attachment G: LTSS CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications': File 'Attachment G: LTSS CP EOHHS-Required Bidder Certifications' added . 11. File 'Attachment H: Service Area Coverage Form (For both types of Community Partners)': File 'Attachment H: Service Area Coverage Form (For both types of Community Partners)' added . 12. File 'Attachment I: Behavioral Health Community Partners Bidder Experience Tables': File 'Attachment I: Behavioral Health Community Partners Bidder Experience Tables' added . 13. File 'Attachment J: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners Bidders Experience Table': File 'Attachment J: Long-Term Services and Supports Community Partners Bidders Experience Table' added . 14. File 'Attachment K: Notice of Intent to Bid Template (For both types of Community Partners)': File 'Attachment K: Notice of Intent to Bid Template (For both types of Community Partners)' added . 15. File 'Required Forms': File 'Required Forms' added .
08/12/2022 03:00:00 PM
EOHHS has posted the RFR and related attachments. The presentation slides for the Bidder's Conference that occurred on August 3, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm are now available. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'CP Procurement Bidder's Conference August 3, 2022': File 'CP Procurement Bidder's Conference August 3, 2022' added .
08/12/2022 03:00:52 PM
EOHHS has posted the RFR and related attachments. The presentation slides for the Bidder's Conference that occurred on August 3, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm are now available.
09/09/2022 04:33:14 PM
added 5 new attachments and changed the bid opening date to 9/26/2022. Header 1. Bid Opening Date changed from "09/16/2022 12:00:00 PM" to "09/26/2022 05:00:00 PM". Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Questions and Answers Regarding the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program ': File 'Questions and Answers Regarding the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program ' added . 2. File 'Amendment 1 to the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program': File 'Amendment 1 to the RFR for Qualified Vendors for the BH and LTSS CP Program' added . 3. File 'Appendix D LTTS CP Community Partner Payment Rates': File 'Appendix D LTTS CP Community Partner Payment Rates' added . 4. File 'Attachment D - Budget Report Template': File 'Attachment D - Budget Report Template' added . 5. File 'Attachment L - Intersection Between Community Based Health Centers (CBHCs) and Behavioral Health Community Partners (BH CPs) ': File 'Attachment L - Intersection Between Community Based Health Centers (CBHCs) and Behavioral Health Community Partners (BH CPs) ' added .
09/19/2022 09:32:05 AM
Added Attachment M - CP Pricing Supplement Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Attachment M - CP Pricing Supplement': File 'Attachment M - CP Pricing Supplement' added .
Item Information
Item # 1: ( 85-10 - 00 )
Comprehensive Health Services
U N S P S C Code:
Comprehensive health services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 2: ( 85-10 - 17 )
Comprehensive Health Service and Health administrations Services.
U N S P S C Code:
Health administration services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Item # 3: ( 85-12 - 00 )
Medical practice.
U N S P S C Code:
Medical practice
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
EA - Each
Quote #
Date Last Modified