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Bid Solicitation: BD-21-1026-DOE02-DOE01-54888
Header Information
Bid Number:
21MASSSAR1 | Support School, District, and DESE Sustainable Improvement Efforts
Bid Opening Date:
12/31/2024 12:00:00 PM
Dee Doan
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE02148 - Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
DOE01 - Department of Elementary and Seconday Education
Fiscal Year:
Type Code:
Allow Electronic Quote:
Alternate Id:
Required Date:
Available Date :
10/07/2020 09:33:33 AM
Info Contact:
Bid Type:
Informal Bid Flag:
Purchase Method:
Open Market
Pre Bid Conference:
November 6, 2020 - 10:00 AM - Click or copy and paste the link to see the recording of the Zoom Meeting:
Bulletin Desc:
Through this Departmental Master Agreement (MA), the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE or The Department) seeks bids from vendors with a demonstrated capacity to successfully support school, district, and state sustainable improvement efforts. This MA serves priorities across DESE departments, including the Statewide System of Support and Center for Instructional Supports. This bid is covered under the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Ship-to Address:
Admin and Finance Unit
135 Santilli Highway
Everett, MA 02149
Phone: (781)338-3000
Bill-to Address:
Admin and Finance Unit
135 Santilli Highway
Everett, MA 02149
Phone: (781)338-3000
Print Format:
File Attachments:
Amendment - contact info
Bid - UPDATED 5.14.24
Attachment A - UPDATED 5.14.2024
21MASSSAR1 - Scorecard (2.11.2021)
SDP Plan 1
Appendix A - Turnaround Practices within a Multi-Tiered System of Support
Appendix B - Sample Organizations and Application Approach
Appendix B - Vendor A Sample Matrix Submission
Appendix B - Vendor B Sample Matrix Submission
Appendix B - Vendor C SAmple Matrix Submission
Appendix B - Vendor D Sample Matrix Submission
Appendix B - Vendor E Sample Matrix Submission
Appendix B - Vendor F Sample Matrix Submission
Appendix C - Areas of Content Expertise and Service Category Definitions -Amendment as of 4.14.22
Appendix D - Service Matrix - Amendment as of 4.14.22
Q & A from Nov. 6 Webinar
MA Information Webinar
DESE Required Language
Required Specifications from OSD
IP Language
Commonwealth Terms and Conditions
Commonwealth Standard Contract Form
Commonwealth Standard Contract Form Instructions
Form Attachments:
Required Quote Attachments
SBPP (Small Business Purchasing Program) Eligible?:
See SBPP requirements and exceptions at :
Amendment #
Amendment Date
Amendment Note
10/07/2020 11:04:04 AM
Updated Pre-bid Conf date on both COMMBUYS and Bid template
10/14/2020 11:27:35 AM
Header 1. Pre-Bid Conference changed from "Nov 6, 2020 - 10:00 - 11:00 - online information will be made available on COMMBUYS closer to the date." to "November 6, 2020 - 10:00 AM - see attached file for Zoom information.". Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Nov 6 2020 Webinar info': File 'Nov 6 2020 Webinar info' added .
11/09/2020 02:55:40 PM
Header 1. Pre-Bid Conference changed from "November 6, 2020 - 10:00 AM - see attached file for Zoom information." to "November 6, 2020 - 10:00 AM - Click or copy and paste the link to see the recording of the Zoom Meeting:". Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'MA Information Webinar': File 'MA Information Webinar' added .
11/10/2020 11:45:43 AM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - updated': File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - updated' added . 2. File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix': Show Attachment to Vendor Flag changed from "Yes" to "No".
12/02/2020 07:40:01 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Q & A from Nov. 6 Webinar': File 'Q & A from Nov. 6 Webinar' added .
12/03/2020 10:03:18 AM
Amendment to update Attachment A, Scorecard, Appendix C & D. File attached explains updates - 12.2.2020 Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment Explanation 12-2-2020': File 'Amendment Explanation 12-2-2020' added . 2. File 'Appendix C - Areas of Content Expertise and Service Category Definitions -Amendment as of 12.2.20': File 'Appendix C - Areas of Content Expertise and Service Category Definitions -Amendment as of 12.2.20' added . 3. File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - Amendment as of 12.2.20': File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - Amendment as of 12.2.20' added . 4. File '21MASSSAR1 - Attachment A - Amendment as 12-2-2020': File '21MASSSAR1 - Attachment A - Amendment as 12-2-2020' added . 5. File '21MASSSAR1 - Scorecard - Amendment 12.2.20': File '21MASSSAR1 - Scorecard - Amendment 12.2.20' added .
01/27/2021 02:42:11 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Attachment A - Final 1.27.2021': File 'Attachment A - Final 1.27.2021' added .
02/12/2021 05:42:45 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File ' Amendment Explanation': File ' Amendment Explanation' added . 2. File 'Attachment A (2.11.21)': File 'Attachment A (2.11.21)' added . 3. File '21MASSSAR1 - Scorecard (2.11.2021)': File '21MASSSAR1 - Scorecard (2.11.2021)' added .
11/10/2021 02:14:57 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Inquiries Submission Information Updated': File 'Inquiries Submission Information Updated' added .
05/09/2022 03:34:05 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment Explanation_4.14.22 ': File 'Amendment Explanation_4.14.22 ' added . 2. File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - Amendment as of 4.14.22': File 'Appendix D - Service Matrix - Amendment as of 4.14.22' added . 3. File 'Appendix C - Areas of Content Expertise and Service Category Definitions -Amendment as of 4.14.22': File 'Appendix C - Areas of Content Expertise and Service Category Definitions -Amendment as of 4.14.22' added . 4. File ' Attachment A - UPDATED 4.14.22': File ' Attachment A - UPDATED 4.14.22' added .
12/02/2022 01:58:31 PM
add amendment and updated attachment A. include state forms for view only purpose. Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Commonwealth Terms and Conditions': File 'Commonwealth Terms and Conditions' added . 2. File 'Commonwealth Standard Contract Form': File 'Commonwealth Standard Contract Form' added . 3. File 'Commonwealth Standard Contract Form Instructions': File 'Commonwealth Standard Contract Form Instructions' added . 4. File 'DESE Required Language ': File 'DESE Required Language ' added . 5. File 'IP Language': File 'IP Language' added . 6. File 'Required Specifications from OSD': File 'Required Specifications from OSD' added . 7. File 'Attachment A - UPDATED 12.2.2022': File 'Attachment A - UPDATED 12.2.2022' added . 8. File 'Amendment - 12.2.22': File 'Amendment - 12.2.22' added .
05/14/2024 01:57:28 PM
Attachment File Changes: Header 1. File 'Amendment - contact info': File 'Amendment - contact info' added . 2. File ' Attachment A - UPDATED 5.14.2024': File ' Attachment A - UPDATED 5.14.2024' added . 3. File 'Bid - UPDATED 5.14.24': File 'Bid - UPDATED 5.14.24' added .
Item Information
Item # 1: ( 86-13 - 00 )
Through this Departmental Master Agreement (MA), the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE or The Department) seeks bids from vendors with a demonstrated capacity to successfully support school, district, and state sustainable improvement efforts. This MA serves priorities across DESE departments, including the Statewide System of Support and Center for Instructional Supports. This bid is covered under the World Trade Organization (WTO).
U N S P S C Code:
Specialized educational services
Unit Cost
Total Discount Amt.
Total Cost
YR - Year
Quote #
Date Last Modified